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Website www.buglife.org.uk
Every £10 in donations can sow 10 square metres of wildflower rich pollinator habitat

Who are we?

Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. Invertebrates are vitally important to a healthy planet - The food we eat, the fish we catch, the birds we see, the flowers we smell and the hum of life we hear, simply would not exist without bugs.

What do we do?

We deliver for pollinators predominantly through our mapped pollinator super highways across the UK creating new wildflower rich and other pollinator habitat to make these highways a reality. We are restoring peat bogs across the central belt of Scotland and we carry out specialist work on individual at risk species.



Our organisation

Our mission?
Buglife’s aim is to halt the extinction of invertebrate species and to achieve sustainable populations of invertebrates.
How do we measure the impact of our work?
We record area of habitat created. We ensure appropriate landowner management agreements are in place when working on other people's land. We train local volunteers to monitor invertebrate abundance across sites into the future. Where possible we drop in on sites on an ad hoc basis for years after work is complete to carry out basic habitat assessments and or more detailed invertebrate monitoring.
What environmental work do we do?
We deliver for pollinators predominantly through our B-Lines initiative which has mapped pollinator super highways across the UK creating new wildflower rich and other pollinator habitat to make these highways a reality. We are restoring peat bogs across the central belt of Scotland by rewetting the area, creating dams and removing scrub. We carry out specialist work on individual at risk species carrying out habitat creation and translocations/captive breeding for species such as the Ladybird spider, Tansy beetle and other critically endangered species.
Where do we carry out this work?
Predominantly across the entire United Kingdom for practical conservation projects, we have staff based in all four home nations and geographically spread across the entire UK. We also have occasional overseas forays such as St Helena, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. From the policy perspective we represent invertebrates at the European Habitats Forum and work with others to influence European and indeed global policies such as the global ban on cypermethrin sheep dip. With member organisation from across Europe and the USA.
What impact have we achieved to date?
• Global ban of cypermethrin sheep deep. • Mapped full UK B-Lines network. • Over 2,000 sites have seen pollinator positive intervention on the B-Lines. • Buglife have created over 2,000 a of pollinator rich habitat. • Buglife have restored over 200 Ha of peat bog in Scotland. • Canvey Wick designated a SSSI and saved from development to become a Nature Reserve. • Saved Radford Quarry in Plymouth home of the Horrid groundweaver spider from development (one of only three known sites in the world). • Sustainable UK population of the Ladybird spider with 19 locations instead of one from 10 years of work.