Rainforest Trust UK

Website www.rainforesttrust.org
Every £10 donated would protect on average 5 acres of vital rainforest in our most urgent carbon-rich projects

Who are we?

Rainforest Trust UK is a British charity working in partnership with Rainforest Trust in the U.S. to protect the world’s most threatened rainforests and other tropical ecosystems.

What do we do?

Rainforest Trust works in partnership with trusted local NGOs and indigenous communities to save the world’s most threatened rainforests. Every action we take now to protect rainforests will have a lasting impact for people around the world by maintaining our planet’s climate and vital ecosystems.

Rainforest Trust UK


Our organisation

How are donations typically distributed across our organisation?
100% of donations received through Amplify will be directed towards conservation action through our Rainforest Climate Action Fund. This is possible because we cover our running costs through donations from our Board of Trustees and Gift Aid. The Rainforest Climate Action Fund supports Rainforest Trust projects that cost-effectively store and sequester vast quantities of carbon. By protecting the world’s most important tropical forests, Rainforest Trust will work to permanently lock up 15 billion tonnes of carbon by 2025.
What impact will your donation have?
Every £10 donation will protect on average 5 acres of vital rainforest in our most urgent carbon-rich projects and safely store 850 metric tonnes of CO2e, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change around the world.