The 2 Minute Foundation

Every £10 donated helps remove 20kg of harmful litter from the environment

Who are we?

We are a charity devoted to cleaning up the planet 2 minutes at a time. We inspire and enable individuals to take 2 minutes for the planet and for their own mental health by cleaning up their patch.

What do we do?

Our #2minute campaigns use social media and direct action to empower, educate, inspire and enable individuals, groups and businesses to make simple changes or take part in simple actions that will contribute to the planet’s wellbeing, as well as their own.

The 2 Minute Foundation


Our organisation

How are donations typically distributed across our organisation?
Every pound received, advances the education of the public by providing all information, advice and raising awareness on issues surrounding waste generation, waste management and waste recycling (and the positive effect these acts have on their own wellbeing). Our aims are to galvanise everyone to take part in small manegable acts that as a collective, will lead to great planet positive change. Funds go back into more inspiring campaigns, stock such as the production of repurposed tent bags, app development, operations and production of our unique clean up stations.
What impact will your donation have?
When a donation is made to our charity, it means that we can inspire individuals to take positive action and continue to fulfill our charitable aims, which are to promote conservation, protect and improve the physical and natural environment.